Our Mission
The mission of our church seeks to answer the question, “Why do we exist?” If we were to boil it down to a simple statement, ours would be: Multiplying Deeply Formed Disciples.
Our Vision
Our vision statement seeks to answer the question, “What will our lives look like if we fulfill our mission?” For us, that looks like: a Spirit-Filled, Jesus-Centered, Multi-Ethnic Community.
Our Values
The road to the future runs through the past. Our worship and spirituality are deeply rooted in historic, orthodox Christianity. We’re convinced that the faith and practice of the ancient Church have the power to shape our desires and habits into the way of Jesus.
We want to close the gap between knowing God and experiencing what he has to offer by pursuing his presence and power in our lives.
We don't just tolerate our differences, we celebrate them and fight for unity in the midst of diversity. In our world, there is so much polarization and divide. God calls us to come together in our diversity and build His church in His image, from every tribe, tongue and nation (Revelation 7:9).
Many are know by what they’re against; we want to be know by what we’re for. We interact with others in love, gentleness, grace, and truth because we know it’s God’s kindness that leads to repentance. We are incredibly welcoming because the doors to the church should be as wide open as we can make them.
We believe people are more important than what they can contribute. We want to make margin in peoples lives to prioritize time with God and others. A commitment to simplicity over busyness allows us to do a few things great, instead of many things good.
We live with open hands. Jesus courageously gave up everything so that we can have everlasting life. Therefore, we surrender our time, talent, and treasure to God with joy and gratitude.
What’s In A Name?
When William Shakespeare posed the question in his seminal work Romeo and Juliet, he was essentially saying names don’t mean much. We would beg to differ.
Our name is intended to communicate our message: the Gospel (Cross) of the Kingdom (Crown). Jesus himself came preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom (Matthew 4:17) and demonstrating the Kingdom through his miracles and acts of mercy and justice.
The word “gospel” can be used as short-hand for the finished work of Jesus on the cross and all that he has accomplished through his life, death and resurrection. The Kingdom is the future reign of God breaking into the present through the life and ministry of Jesus and those who follow Him.
We want to be Kingdom people, passionately pursuing our King Jesus and bearing witness to the coming Kingdom in word, deed and love.
Shane & Allyse Huey
Shane is a Columbus native, diehard Buckeyes and Cleveland Cavaliers fan, and retired sneaker head. He's been in vocational ministry for a lot longer than he deserves (over a decade to be a bit more exact), serving in such capacities as Campus Minister, Youth Pastor, Young Adult Pastor and Executive Pastor. Shane's passion is to preach and teach God's word, which he's been blessed with the opportunity to do all across the country.
Shane and Allyse met while attending The Ohio State University. Allyse is a transplant from the Washington D.C. area, but came to Columbus to lead Young Life, a ministry aimed at introducing High School students to Jesus. Allyse is an amazingly talented musician, playing both guitar and bass (almost exclusively bass these days, but still dabbles on guitar from time to time). Allyse is currently a Health and P.E. teacher and loves serving her students and families.
Rounding out the Huey tribe are their two boys, JR (7) and Miles (5). Together they probably spend way too much time and money at Walt Disney World (which is all Shane's fault) and love hanging out at coffee shops and local parks.
e: shane@crosscrown.church
s: @shanehueysr